Meet the Chiefs 


Message from Chief Brammer

我非常自豪能成为这样一个模范执法机构的一员,这个机构不断发展壮大,为佛罗里达州发展最快的大学提供服务. 我坚信提供社区服务的管理模式, 采用问责导向的领导模式,以配合社会的需要. 本系致力提供一个安全的环境,以达致教育及研究的目标.

In partnership with the University community, 我们团结起来预防犯罪,解决影响学生的问题, faculty and staff. 巡逻我们的边境是警察的主要职能, 我们也有一些项目对大学和整个社区都有很大的好处. 预防犯罪计划,例如强奸侵犯防御(RAD), Operation Identification, Substance Abuse Education and “Coffee with the Chief”, 旨在改善警察与公民关系的计划, 在KU体育官网APP,所有的工具都被用来教育和建立人际关系吗. We have recently implemented the “Owls with COPPS” ; which assigns one police officer to each residential building to serve as a liaison between law enforcement and our resident population. 我们新开设的变电站位于博卡拉顿校区的中心,在书店旁边的Breezeway上,为我们部门提供了宝贵的工具, 由于我们现在能够在方便学生和员工的地点提供一些服务.

与市民保持有效的工作关系,并回应市民的需要, fafpd被组织成4个12小时轮班,每天工作24小时, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our officers conduct foot, bicycle and vehicle patrols, respond to reports of crimes, and provide information and resources to the community. 这些信息包括帮助保持FAU安全的许多实践、程序和安全提示. These tips are published annually in safety brochures, 警察会在学生入学指导时进行安全讲座, new employee orientations, 以及其他聚会,比如我们一年一度的“与五零特遣队一起外出的猫头鹰之夜”. 我们的指挥人员制定了一项与大学一致的战略计划, detailing our efforts to improve efficiency, technology, quality of service, 在设定目标和提高社区参与标准的同时.

I encourage all students, faculty, 职员及访客可浏览本处网页(网址:www),了解本处每日提供的资源及采用的创新科技 这样做,你将帮助我们帮助你追求一个安全的校园. 请随时到我们位于博卡拉顿校区的总部,在校园运营大楼内. 69)问任何对你很重要的安全问题.

感谢您选择KU体育官网APP,并与我们合作预防犯罪, and “Go Owls!”


Sean Brammer
Phone: (561) 297-1377


John Crane-Baker

Assistant Chief of Police - Bureau of Patrol Operations

助理警长克莱恩-贝克于1995年开始了他的执法生涯,当时他是佛罗里达州聋哑和盲人学校(FSDB)的一名州警官. Augustine, Florida. 在FSDB期间,他是一名现场训练官(FTO)和犬类训导员.

In 1997, he was hired by the Delray Beach Police Department (DBPD), where he held numerous positions, including SWAT Team member, Sergeant of Road Patrol, FTO, Training and Recruitment, Lieutenant of Road Patrol, Investigations, and Internal Affairs. 副警长克莱恩·贝克最近的职位是队长, where he oversaw the Investigative, Community Patrol, Community Response, and Professional Standards Divisions.

他持有西卡罗莱纳大学刑事司法学士学位和国立大学刑事司法管理硕士学位. Additionally, he attended numerous leadership and tactical schools, including the FBI National Academy, Senior Management Institute of Police, the FBI-LEEDA Trilogy Courses, Intentional Leadership, SWAT Management, Tactical Commanders Course, and SWAT Supervision and Leadership.

Additionally, he was awarded the Medal of Valor, Elks Officer of the Year, PBA Officer of the Year runner-up, PBA Officer of the Month, and has received two (2) Chief’s Achievement Awards.

他的专业/社区协会包括成为联邦调查局国家学院协会的成员, Alpha Phi Sigma Honor Society, Kiwanis International, International Association of Chiefs of Police, Florida Police Chiefs Association, Palm Beach County Chiefs of Police Association, PERF, FBI-LEEDA Association, Florida SWAT Association, and the National Tactical Officers Association.


Hal Hutchins

Assistant Chief of Police - Bureau of Support Operations

助理警长哈尔·哈钦斯1981年以警察学员的身份进入执法部门, 在被棕榈滩镇警察局聘用后就读警察学院. 在棕榈滩镇警察局任职超过23年之后, 助理警长哈钦斯于2005年加入洋岭警察局, where he served for 16 years. 助理局长哈钦斯随后于2022年8月加入FAU警察局,担任支持行动助理局长. 助理警长哈钦斯很自豪能在棕榈滩县的多个社区服务超过41年,担任各种执法职务.

哈钦斯警长是国际警察局长协会的光荣成员. 助理警长Hutchins也是佛罗里达警察局长协会(Florida Police Chiefs Association)的成员,并担任董事会成员. Additionally, 助理警长Hutchins是棕榈滩县警察局长协会的活跃成员,并担任秘书, Vice-President, President, and Executive Director for this organization.

Assistant Chief Hutchins is a native Floridian. He is a graduate of Barry University in Miami Shores, Fl. and holds a bachelor’s degree in Professional Study. He is also a Graduate of the University of Louisville, Southern Police Institute, Command Officer Development Program. In addition, 哈钦斯副局长持有执法证书已超过41年,从业时间超过3000小时, specialized, and continuing education training.

As a member of the FAU family, 助理警长哈钦斯很兴奋也很自豪能成为FAU警察局的一员.