Crime Prevention

KU体育官网APP警察局的原则是,我们更愿意防止犯罪发生,而不是在犯罪发生后才做出反应. 实现这一目标的主要手段是大学的综合犯罪预防计划. KU体育官网APP警察局的犯罪预防计划是基于消除或尽可能减少犯罪机会的双重概念, 并鼓励学生和员工对自己和他人的安全负责.

As of February 2015, 预防罪案组推出了一项名为“猫头鹰之夜与五零特遣队一起外出”的社区计划,目的是提高认识和建立社区关系. 这个赋权之夜的目的是促进我们与教师的工作关系, staff and students. It was a collaborative effort with the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office, the Florida Highway Patrol, the Boca Raton Police and Fire Departments, Metro Taxi, SmartWater CSI, Rape Aggression Defense, FAU Housing and Residential Education and the American Council for Criminal Justice.

crime prevention

该部门还负责前往当地警察学院和刑事司法学院以及职业博览会,为执法职位招聘潜在的求婚者. 我们积极与我们自己的学生接触,并聘请了几名FAU学生,他们现在已经成为我们机构的警察,还有一些人已经转到其他地方, state and federal agencies.

作为预防犯罪官员的职责之一是提出各种主题来教育公众. 我们可以在您选择的时间和地点与您的团体或组织交谈. Topics that can be presented include but are not limited to: alcohol awareness, drug awareness, theft prevention, general duties of the police, personal safety, and dating/domestic violence.

如果您或您的团体有兴趣让大学警察的代表与您或您的组织交谈, please complete a Crime Prevention Presentation Request. If you'd prefer to submit manually, you can use the Crime Prevention Presentation Request form. Once completed, please submit the request via fax, e-mail, or U.S. Mail no less than thirty (30) days prior to scheduled day(s).

Listed below are some commonly presented programs, however, KU体育官网APP警察局可以修改或创建一个特定的程序,以满足您的需求.

Alcohol Awareness

1 to 1.5 hours

Alcohol use is prevalent in many college and university settings. 与酒精滥用和误用有关的高危行为影响到所有社区成员. 该计划旨在解决与过度饮酒有关的危险,并提高人们对受损驾驶危险的认识. 

Community Response to Active Shooter(s)

1 hour

在大学校园里发生的最可怕的情况之一就是应对活跃的枪手. 活跃枪手是指在人口密集地区积极威胁生命或准备威胁生命的人. This program focuses on how to deal with a potential active shooter situation. The course gives information on past occurrences, warning signs, and what to do if a shooting occurs in your immediate area. For more information on active shooter procedures, click  here

Domestic Violence Prevention

1 hour

Every fifteen seconds, a woman is battered in the United States by her husband, boyfriend, or live-in partner. This course focuses on the warning signs of domestic violence, relevant to Florida statistics and available area resources. 

Operation Identification

Length Varies

盗窃无担保财产是大学校园里最严重的犯罪之一. ID行动是一项由大学警察免费提供的防盗计划. 这个程序包括保存你个人财产的序列号和详细描述, 以及应用防盗胶粘标签和或雕刻您的项目与独特的, definable characteristic. 以这种方式采取行动可以帮助找回和归还丢失或被盗的物品. 

Personal Safety

1 hour

No one is immune to crime; however, there is a way to greatly reduce your risk through proactive actions. The foundation of this course focuses on risk reduction and risk awareness. 这个综合研讨会涵盖了许多安全主题,包括性侵犯和强奸预防. 根据小组的组成,可以结合一些实际的自卫动作. 

Sexual Assault Awareness

45 to 60 minutes

五分之一的女性称在她们生命中的某个时刻被迫发生过性行为. This class offers information on rape awareness and prevention, and provides students with information regarding counseling availability. Discussions of awareness and avoidance are covered as well. 

Social Event Safety

45 to 60 minutes

Fun, laid back group settings are a great time to meet new people and enjoy some of the independence that comes with college life; however, there are some dangers associated with large gatherings of people you may not know. 这个项目针对大学派对的许多潜在危险,并为参与者提供在大学氛围中享受社交环境的安全提示.

Spring Break Safety

45 to 60 minutes

Spring Breakers tend to flock to popular destinations. Unfortunately, these areas become target-rich environments for criminals. 该计划旨在通过强调春假旅行潜在危险的意识来预防. The course will cover travel and personal safety, situational awareness, and will touch on alcohol and drug awareness. 

Substance Abuse Education

45 to 60 minutes

滥用非法药物除了会产生法律后果外,还会对健康造成严重危害. 这个节目讨论了药物滥用的危险,以及处方药的滥用. 该课程还强调了学生可能对药物使用的误解. 

FAU PD 101

45 to 60 minutes

The community interacts with police officers every day. 有时,由于沟通不畅,这些互动会对社区产生负面影响. 这个节目将解释警察在许多常见情况下的角色(交通阻塞), DUI stops, crime reports, etc.) and how to minimize potential negativity through effective communication. This program welcomes questions from the audience, as audience interactions are an essential part of the program. 

Workplace Violence Prevention

1 hour

据报道,去年有近200万美国工人成为工作场所暴力的受害者. 这一环节涉及有关工作场所暴力问题升级的信息, and characteristics of potentially violent individuals. Prevention and avoidance strategies will also be addressed. 

Rape Aggression Defense (RAD)

The Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) System below is a 12-hour course for females only. 强奸侵犯防御系统是一个现实的自卫战术和技术程序. The Rape Aggression Defense System below is for females only. For more information about RAD, click  here.

For questions, please contact Sgt John-Williams via e-mail at 

New Employee Orientation

Length Varies

我们系与人力资源部合作举办了一个关于KU体育官网APP警察局和校园犯罪的一般信息研讨会. 我们就如何减少新员工工作区域的犯罪提供建议,并提供我们部门提供的资源.